Monday, February 14, 2011

The Merchant Shipping Act in India

The merchant shipping 1958 Act is a comprehensive piece of legislation. He has been trying several aspects to monitor shipping reviewed and changed several times since it was produced at the origin. Right RegistrationThe move to place the "National Fisheries Council" and regulations established for ships like Indian had to be registered. It is the registration, procedures, management and certification guidelines. The law was also formal classifications for the ship's stores officers and like different ships official.AdministrationThe were nationality 1958 maritime law administration has implemented. These include a General Manager, "broadcasts offices", surveyor and officials, which identified activities seaport teams. These different positions reserves the right to establish the duration of the mandate of the Office and who is appointed came under the direct supervision of the Government, is this OversightOne positions.Labor attention for employees in the transport sector an essential element of the law. He founded offices for staff as well as "the welfare of the deck-hand." The Act allows the monitoring of wages, "Discharge" and the distribution of the assets of the employee's death. Protection of the law, arbitration and litigation of workers are also protected.

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