Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Analysis of the FTA Canada Peru

Canada Peru of free trade agreement on 1 August 2009 in force. Its purpose is to improve to bilateral trade and investment for companies in both countries, although the provisions relating to the protection of the rights and worker's environmental sustainability were also included. The two countries from benefiting from a more open economic relationship. Canada Peru of FTA aims advance this cause while ensuring a safe and ethical system for trade and investment in place. HistoryIn 2002, Canadian Minister of international trade announced that the Andean countries (Bolivia Colombia Ecuador, the Peru) decided to begin exploratory discussions on the establishment of a free trade agreement. At that time were all countries step economic position seriously talk about such an agreement, but Peru has experienced continuous growth since 2001 and in 2006, rising to a commercial ambitious economic agenda under the leadership of President Alan Garcia free Canada Peru discussions has impetus. June 7, 2007, benefited formal trade negotiations began.Canadian BenefitsCanadian sell the reduction of customs duties on your products and services that allows companies and benefit from the Peruvian market. The agreement requires the Peru, 95 percent to eliminate its tariffs on exports; Wheat, barley, lentils, peas, a variety of paper machines and equipment products took immediate duty-free access. The agreement contains provisions for improved stability for investment and better Peru guarantees are considerable. Finally, trade allows Canadian companies for Government Peruvian contracts.Peruvian q to konkurrierenu' trade agreements, the BenefitsThe promote the economic development of the country to help how kanadistrategic investments in the extraction of Peru and the oil industry is expected to increase. Canada is obliged to immediately 97 percent of its tariffs on Peruvian exports to eliminate. Oil made of zinc, copper and oil exports are however likely to increase. The people of the Peru can benefit from improving working conditions. Included with the free trade agreement was an agreement of cooperation work required, that corresponds to the Peruvian Government with the Declaration of the international organization of work on the fundamental principles and rights at work, 1998. Health and safety standards, working hours, wages and collective bargaining have been defined and monitored.ControversyA be months before the FTA Canada Peru into force in 2009, the Amazon provide raised for the dangers of growing Peruvian export industry Peru joined conflicts. In June 2009, President Garcia has worked to laws, the 45 million hectares of the Amazon and its resources oil to open gas and forestry to private investors pick up, he claimed steps were necessary to meet a commercial agreement with the United States. Efforts created a storm indigenous in the region which were not yet consulted and abuse of authority, that these events caused some skeptics on the success of the implementation of the FTA Canada Peru highlighted was expected, the next weeks.DebateDebates on the pros and cons of open markets to capitalism old centuries and spread and intensify worldwide will put your not end. Free trade between corporate international companies and investors for the peoples of the countries involved established legitimate, fair and responsible Government must be, and international transactions have rules that can be monitored. V implementationon Canada Peru of free trade agreement is a step in the right direction in this regard.

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