Sunday, December 12, 2010

Laws on the statement of the employer

State and federal law requires your employer to a notice about the rights of workers type. Generally must leave your employer with notice of your rights to equitable remuneration, safety at work and equal opportunities of employment protection and polygraph show. Laws of the State in your Member State may require additional employer notifications. Notification requirements mean that your employer job at your job as should publish in the break room where frequent notice busy. Equitable remuneration NoticesUnder Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (doctor) your employer is required to publish alerts on your right to equitable remuneration. In particular, your employer must the current federal minimum wage, your entitlement to overtime pay notify and your rights if you work for tips.EEOC NotificiationThe equal employment opportunity Commission (Commission) is a federal agency which many federal laws, guaranteeing equal opportunities to employment for all employees. Your employer must display a notice on certain information the Commission including the contact information for the Commission. The notice must describe the types of discrimination by the Commission, such as discrimination based on disability, race, forbidden sex, age and religion.USERRAUSERRA which is short for uniform employment and re-employment rights Act requires employers, all employees to notify the rights of workers in USERRA annually. USERRA notification appears in the workplace and should be for each employee.OSHAOSHA is sent for the management of health and safety at work are. OSHA requires employers of to display Bekanntmabreaks right employees with a workplace Sek.ideal. The notice must also offer contact rights.FMLAEmployers OSHA enforcement information also views of the rights of workers in connection with the family and medical leave Act (FMLA) must show. In general the notice must describe that FMLA leave without pay for emergency medical and family sick rights Cescomme or injured or pregnancy and child delivery.Employee Polygraph Protection ActThis view family members in the workplace must be booked. In this communication are the employees, employers are polygraph require prohibited and lie detector tests, validation requirements and your job.State LawsSome, impose additional notification says. Utah and others, for example, require disclosure of a reference to the worker's compensation and unemployment insurance.

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