Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rely on family Ministry of labour

Founded in 1913, manages the Ministry for labour, labour rights and privileges. In 1993, that family medical leave Act, was adopted. Allows let it employees for certain family and medical matters or events take. FunctionThe FMLA allows employees to take leave without pay for a period of 12 months in certain circumstances 12 weeks. It is designed to not only employees to help balance work and private life, but also to equal opportunities at work for men provide and women.PurposeThe leave can be taken from one of the following reasons: the inability to perform employment due to serious health problem to deal with a family member a difficult birth or the child health situation of the employee or placement of a child suffering accepted or to promote courtesy employee.ProtectionThe protects a job, which means that must be at the end of the period of leave, return the employee to his original job or an equivalent position. A new position should be the same in terms of benefits, pay or other conditions of employment for the original work. Leave according to the Ministry of labour, an employee "can the loss of a benefit of employment that the employee earns or recently rightly use suffer from (but not necessarily during the)" leave.TypesThe can either continuously or other temporary leave can be regarded. Continuous leave is more than three consecutive calendar days occur. It is a common use of the FMLA. Intermittent leave is not necessarily consecutive but it is recurring. Reduced schedule leaves are similar to intermittent employees part is theirr, time to leave while still work.EligibilityTo eligible, an employee must work for a covered employer. Employers who fall are under the law all government bodies, State, local and federal Governments, and schools. Employers in the private sector at least 50 employees are also covered. Qualifying employees are those who work for this employer for at least 12 months and worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12 months before the start of leave.ConsiderationsEmployers may require or chooses the employees that accumulated sick leave used to have left all the blankets or part of the FMLA. Employees can choose or employer "The replacement of vacation and personal time accumulated way for the situations covered by the FMLA," according to the Ministry of labour.

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