Friday, December 10, 2010

Rights of the worker at the workplace

Apply each employee to a position has the right, the work regardless of race, nation of origin, age, disability, to look at gender or religious beliefs. Everyone stopped for discrimination has the right to a claim against your employer file. An employee has the right numbers for the hours of work, he or she has provided the employer. No employee may be refused medical leave for family and emergency. Employees HarassmentAn can from one employer or an employee workplace harassment. Types of harassment include bullying and sexual harassment. For example, no employer Executive can choose an employee or show favouritism to another employee. Also, an employee is entitled to these jobs in his job description listed to do. An employer or an employee force no employees to perform sexual acts. Employees have the right to not post, E-mail, telephone or other means in the workplace by an employer be bothered, employees.Wage has executives or other employees of the RightsAn reserves that are paid hours of work, it has an employer provided. P2P that someone prices paid but the rate of pay differently, shall, not less than the minimum wage. The amount of the Federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour now and all employees have the right to less this amount be paid. There are not some exceptions of type of employee, the minimum wage as agricultural workers, construction workers and agricultural workers.Safety RightsEmployees have to pay working in dangerous and hazardous work environments should get training on safety and health standards that must be observed. Employees haven the right with sixteen equipped safety equipment werdent - as security hats and sunglasses - dangerous work. Apart from training, safety and warning signs for employees in the dangerous workplaces should be booked. Every employee at work violated is entitled to benefits workers ' compensation with a few exceptions.Right, the AbsenceUnder leave the family medical leave Act, all employees have the right to take leave from work. An employee has the right 12 weeks unpaid offshore to work in a period of 12 months. This Act covers employees, most medical reasons for yourself or your family members need. It may also staff take-off time for personal issues such as pregnancy or legal presumption matters.Right PrivacyAn employee has the right to privacy in the workplace. Cameras are allowed at work if it is company policy to accommodate. However, an employee must be pointed out that there are cameras at work. Some Member States restrict the use of certain types of monitoring such as one-way mirror. Personal effects of the employee are looking for without reasonable grounds. Office employees can be browsed without the consent of the worker, except where it is politically, this random property perform searches.

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